SSD Upgrades

An SSD is a type of hard drive (The piece of hardware inside your PC that stores all of your data). SSD stands for Solid State Drive and it is very similar to the small USB drives that you have probably seen people carrying around and plugging into their computer.

The difference with an SSD hard drive is that it fits inside of your PC and it replaces the original SATA hard drive that came with your computer.

Why are SSD drives faster?

SSD drives are typically around 10 times faster than standard SATA hard drives and this is because they don’t have any moving parts.

In a traditional hard drive, there is a spinning disk that contains all of your data and a metal arm that reads each byte of data when it is requested by the computer. The data could be anywhere on the spinning disk and so for every byte of data the disk has to spin round to the correct location and then the arm has to move in and out of the disk to read that byte. All of this takes a surprising amount of time, even though most disks spin at a rate between 5400 and 7200 rotations per minute.

With an SSD drive, there are no moving parts, the data is all stored on a single computer chip or circuit board and as such, each byte of data can be accessed much more quickly.

Will this really speed up my computer?

Yes, it will definitely speed up your computer. The main components that dictate the speed of your computer are the CPU, RAM and hard drive. Out of those 3 components the hard drive is nearly always the weak point in the chain. Because of this, upgrading to an SSD drive can make even the slowest of computers much faster. Even when you have an old PC with a slower CPU and a small amount of RAM upgrading to an SSD can still make a considerable improvement.

What about my existing data?

You don’t need to worry about your existing data because if you order your SSD upgrade from Qwerty IT Services Ltd we will use some software called Acronis True Image which takes a complete copy of your entire hard drive including all of your data, your programs and your settings. We can then take that copy and place it on the new SSD drive.

This results in the SSD being identical in every way to your original hard drive and means that nothing at all will change on your computer – other than the speed and performance.

How much does it cost?

The cost depends mainly on the size of your existing hard drive and the amount of data that you have on it. The more data you have, the bigger the SSD drive you will need. Visit our pricing guide to find out more about the cost of upgrading to an SSD drive.

SSD Case Study: Stuart Cairns

We upgraded Stuarts computer from a traditional spinning disk drive to a solid state drive and this resulted in the boot up time for the computer being cut almost in half.

Read what Stuart had to say about the upgrade

I tried the machine tonight and it’s clearly muck quicker. The software starts up a lot quicker and seems a bit more responsive too. All other things I tried no longer had the pause from before so it’s really good.
Stuart Cairns

SSD Case Study #2: Helen Duncan

We upgraded Helen Duncans laptop from a 5400 RPM spinning disk drive to a solid state drive and this resulted in a 27% improvement in boot up time as well as making the laptop much faster to use in terms of opening and running programs, accessing data and browsing the internet.

Read what Helen had to say about the upgrade

Hi would just like to say a big thankyou. Have had the upgrade done that I won recently and am very happy with the results.
Helen Duncan

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